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Community Foundation of White County

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There’s always something happening at your community foundation – and we’re always delighted to share good news about our wonderful community!

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  • Writer's pictureLucy Dold

Bursting Across White County

For 26 years, your Community Foundation of White County has spread impact into all corners of our little place in the world, embedding legacies deep into our roots that shape our communities, and will continue to do so for generations to come.

        In 2006, the Community Foundation of White County (CFWC) partnered with Diane Fishel-Hall, a native of White County, to rebrand our logo. Our office is headquartered in Monticello, but there can be a perception that we exclusively serve the county seat. To address this misconception, Diane created a radiant logo featuring a map of White County, helping to better represent our organization and its important work.

We are so proud that CFWC is committed to shining light into each of our unique communities that make up the place we call home. The lake-blue spikes in the starburst extend from our office in Monticello out to every other community here: Idaville, Wolcott, Brookston, Guernsey, Lee, Norway, Springboro, Bell Center, Round Grove, Indiana Beach, Smithson, Buffalo, Reynolds, Burnettsville, Monon, Badger Grove, Sitka, Chalmers, Headlee, and Seafield…wow, that’s a lot of spikes!

  Can you find which burst represents your home?

Sometimes in rural Indiana, we forget exactly how rich our communities are, but after reading through that long list, you can’t help but confront that we are truly bountiful.  In each of these communities, and sprinkled in-between with our farming friends, are passionate, dedicated individuals working together to leave this place better than we found it.

When the Community Foundation first began in 1998, it became clear that our citizens understood the importance of providing for the future, and recognized CFWC as a trusted community asset to sustain impact for generations. Because of those passionate individuals, donors big and small and our partners doing the good work, your Community Foundation can continue carrying out its powerful mission: strengthening and transforming White County by fostering charitable giving, philanthropic aspirations, and leadership.

During our 25th-anniversary celebration last year, we awarded over $527,000 to nonprofit entities across the county, addressing a wide variety of needs. For example, funds supported Honey Creek Township's efforts to make the Historic Reynolds School House accessible. Additionally, the funds supported Food Finders Food Bank in expanding their senior delivery grocery program into the Brookston and Monon communities. Lafayette Transitional Housing is addressing homelessness in White County by onboarding a Rural Homelessness Navigator, who provides direct services to individuals and families in need. The Youth Philanthropy Council Grants provided classroom grants in all four school corporations to enhance educational opportunities. And there's so much more!

            Because of your support, we will continue to burst our impact across White County for generations to come. To join in uplifting your community, donate today online,, or reach out to director, Lucy Dold to learn how your gift can be matched 2:1 to triple your impact. (574) 583-6911.

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