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Community Foundation of White County

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Leslie Goss

Never Doubt- Weekly Article

Right now, with COVID-19 seemingly influencing every move we make, there’s a lot of doubt in this world. Doubt about our health, for certain. Doubt about safety. Doubt about what what “normal” will look like in the future. For some, there’s doubt about an ability to return to their job – or if their job will even be there. For parents, there’s doubt about whether they are doing the right things to see their children through all of this. For many, there’s doubt about having enough food to put on the table or the ability to meet daily and monthly expenses. While in college, I was fortunate enough to attend a panel discussion in which Margaret Mead was a participant. Mead was a cultural anthropologist whose extensive travels and studies in Samoa opened doors to a more holistic vision of the human species and our interactions with each other. Her combination of passion, knowledge and spunk inspired me then and continue to inspire me to this day. The quote cited at the beginning of this article is one of her most famous, and I would argue that it could serve as a mantra right now. Everyday heroes are seeing us through these days of doubt: researchers, medical staff, and custodians in our hospitals who daily put their own lives at risk; grocery, restaurant, and other retail workers who show up at work in spite of their own uneasiness; staff members of mental health and domestic violence centers who know that their services are even more critical in times such as these; volunteers at food pantries and outreach centers who are going far beyond the extra mile to make sure valuable resources are getting into the hands of people who need them most. These are the “thoughtful, committed people” who are changing our world. Your Community Foundation of White County is grateful to the many thoughtful, committed people of our community – and beyond – who share their time, talents, and treasure to strengthen and transform our world. We are honored to partner with you. “Never doubt….” For information about your community foundation contact Director Leslie Goss at 574-583.6911 or

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