No, this isn’t a math quiz. And it’s not a measurement for your new deck. (It’s too hot to be out there building a deck, anyway.)
Your Community Foundation of White County will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2023, and we’ve thought of a fun way for people from throughout our county to become part of the celebration!
With a gift of $25 (or any multiple of $25) to the Foundation, you can be part of awarding a special $25,000 25th Anniversary grant to be announced at our celebration next May.
$25. The cost of a good burger and a couple of beers at a local restaurant. A new specialty design t-shirt. Truthfully, it’s not hard to spend $25 these days, almost anywhere for anything.
This $25 or $50 or $100 is different, though: it’s an investment in strengthening and transforming our community.
Since 1998, your Community Foundation of White County has infused nearly $5 million into our White County community in the form of grants and scholarships. As more people join in our mission – with gifts both large and small – our capacity to help our nonprofit organizations serve the arts, education, social services, and community development continues to grow.
It's really easy to think a $25 gift won’t make a difference. I can assure you, it does.
The power of multiple small gifts really sank into me when I worked with the American Cancer Society doing Relay For Life events. For those of you who have ever attended a Relay event, one of the most poignant moments of the night is the lighting of all the memorial and honoraria luminaria lining the track. Each luminaria: a minimum $10 donation. Not a big deal for most. However, when those $10 gifts are multiplied by hundreds and hundreds, the power of $10 lights up the night, providing hope, connection, and a foundation for the future.
Your Community Foundation’s “25 by 25” challenge is much the same.
It’s very simple.
Write your check to the Community Foundation of White County and send to PO Box 1154, Monticello IN 47960 or donate online through our website www.cfwhitecounty.org and designate your gift to “25 by 25.”
One thousand gifts of $25.
Two hundred fifty gifts of $100.
One hundred gifts of $250.
$25,000 by CFWC’s 25th Anniversary.
Together, we can do this – and share in a very special $25,000 grant to celebrate our wonderful community!
