It’s no surprise that young people often face conflicting pressures about their future. Some are drawn to stay and continue family legacies, while others feel the need to leave in pursuit of opportunities elsewhere. For years, the message many heard was that they had to “get out” to succeed. This belief has contributed to a community with a growing retirement-aged population and fewer young families. However, your Community Foundation is committed to changing this narrative by empowering young people and showing them that White County is a place they can return to—and thrive.
While we don’t have all the answers, we believe that by taking intentional steps, we can help shift the mindset and make White County a place where young people feel valued and want to build their futures. Here’s how we’re already working toward this goal:
1. Empowering Youth to Lead Today One of the key ways we’re showing young people that they have value now is through our Youth Philanthropy Council. This youth-led council gives local students a chance to shape their communities through leadership and decision-making. They’re not just preparing for the future—they’re actively contributing to it. Through this council, young people have a voice and an opportunity to leave a positive impact on White County today.
2. Supporting Higher Education with Scholarships We understand that education is a critical pathway to success. That’s why our foundation provides scholarships to help young people pursue higher education. These scholarships offer financial relief and open doors to further academic and career development. By supporting their educational journeys, we are also telling them that White County stands behind their ambitions and hopes they will return with the skills and knowledge to give back to the community.
3. Partnering with Local Organizations Our foundation also works closely with granting partners that are running various programs and initiatives aimed at telling our youth they are important. From workforce development to community engagement, these programs are designed to provide young people with opportunities to grow, learn, and see the potential in their hometown. These collaborations show that there are people and resources right here in White County who care about their future.
4. Highlighting Quality of Life and Career Opportunities White County has much to offer in terms of quality of life—whether it’s the close-knit community, outdoor recreation, or affordable living. While we don’t claim to have a one-size-fits-all solution, we are committed to finding ways to show young people the career pathways available here. Working with local businesses and industries, we can help young residents explore job opportunities that allow them to stay or return home after pursuing education or career experiences elsewhere.
5. Engaging in Dialogue About the Future Finally, we believe it’s essential to engage young people in conversations about their vision for the community. Whether it’s through community forums, surveys, or informal discussions, their voices should be at the table when it comes to shaping the future of White County. By listening to their ideas, concerns, and aspirations, we can better understand what will make them feel welcomed and valued as they consider where to build their lives.
As we work to create a brighter future for White County, we know that this is a long-term effort. Just as we plant trees knowing we may not experience the shade, our efforts today are about building a foundation for the next generation. We’re committed to showing our youth that they matter to this community—both now and in the future. We’re not just hoping they return; we’re working to ensure that White County is a place they’ll want to come back to and call home.