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Community Foundation of White County

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There’s always something happening at your community foundation – and we’re always delighted to share good news about our wonderful community!

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But I'm Not a Wealthy Person

Leslie Goss

Most of us are not wealthy. Blessed? Yes. But fabulously wealthy? No.

The good news? You don’t have to be wealthy to make a long-lasting difference in your


There are hundreds of charitable foundations in this country that are making significant

impact on our quality of life. Granted, many of the large foundations that we hear about have

been founded by people of substantial means, the likes of which we cannot even imagine. Their generosity reaches across our nation in support of the arts, education, research, the environment, and ground-breaking initiatives.

An increasing number of foundations, however, are local community foundations, such as your Community Foundation of White County -- centered in local communities and committed to the present and future well-being of their local communities. Everyday citizens have joined to support their communities through both large and small donations to their local foundations. The results have been astounding, and growing every day!

Your donations recently purchased a xylophone for the budding North White High

School band program, which has since received a large grant from another source to purchase a wide range of instruments. You helped put a new roof on Happy Tails Animal Care Center and build a fence at Therapeion Therapeutic Riding Center. Another of our grants is helping area second graders learn more about how communities really operate through Junior Achievement’s “Our Community” curriculum, while another grant is helping Earth & Space Science students at Twin Lakes to get “up close and personal” experiences with some new virtual reality sets.

Your donations are making a significant and positive difference in the quality of life in

White County, and that’s something to be proud of.

It is said that charity begins at home. A gift to your Community Foundation is a gift to

your community. The Foundation uses your gifts to answer community needs and opportunities through grants and fund disbursements. Large or small, all gifts make a difference – a positive and long-lasting difference in the quality of life we share in this community.

No, we're not all millionaires who can develop our own foundations. However, each of us has gifts we can contribute – through time, talent, and treasure. And together, we create a supportive and prosperous community.

Make a difference. Contact Community Foundation of White County Executive Director Leslie Goss at 574-583-6911. Also, be sure to check out our Facebook page!

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