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Community Foundation of White County

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There’s always something happening at your community foundation – and we’re always delighted to share good news about our wonderful community!

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Leslie Goss

Community Engagements Postponed…Again!

Well, the uncertain realities of Covid-19 have forced your Community Foundation of

White County to step back, once again, and postpone two exciting and impactful events for our community. Difficult and disappointing as these postponements are, they pale in comparison to our concern for the health and safety of our community friends.

Typically, our annual Women Giving Together Fund luncheon is scheduled on the

second Friday in June. Needless to say, planning begins long before that. In January and

February, June still felt a bit unreliable; surely by September, things would be better. With two years of grant recipients to honor, we had some delightful plans for celebrating all the good works these organizations had accomplished and were looking forward to greeting our

community’s caring, generous women back to our luncheon.

In addition, CFWC had organized a series of Community Conversations facilitated by

Frank and Kimberlee Spillers, community building specialists from Iowa who have worked with several community foundations throughout the state of Indiana as well as around the country. In fact, Frank and Kim joined us at our Annual Report to the Community Event last month, introduced themselves and the concepts they would be addressing, and challenged attendees to think about White County 25 years from now: How will it look? How engaged with the youth of today be in that tomorrow? Are we a community that encourages and welcomes entrepreneurs? As Frank pointed out, decisions that were made for this community 25 years ago helped create the reality of our community today…for better and for worse.

Even with masks, social distancing, and our very best plans, your Community Foundation elected to postpone both of these engagements in respect for peoples’ health and comfort. Are we disappointed? Absolutely. Are we committed to hosting them again in the future. Absolutely.

This community is important to each and all of us – and to CFWC. Respect for each

other comes first in everything our Foundation does, including events that bring caring,

committed people together to celebrate and dream together. And sometimes, that means not holding those events – because we care.

CFWC’s mission continues in every way. Exciting individual conversations are happening, as well as grant cycles, scholarship payments, Leadership White County, and the myriad of ways we strive to serve White County in the best way possible. If you’d like to join us, just call!

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