Let’s face it: sometimes it’s easy to lose trust in institutions.
When we place trust in someone – be it an individual or institution – it is rooted in our belief that the person or institution will be honest, fair, and respectful of the relationship we establish together. It is based in shared values, a belief that we will each work toward the best for each other, and a foundation of solid ethical standards.
Please know that it is with resolute commitment to the highest ethical standards that your Community Foundation of White County serves you, your community, other community foundations, and the greater field of philanthropy.
When you choose to partner with CFWC to accomplish your charitable goals, you can be assured that your charitable wishes will be honored – not just the day you donate to one of our many funds, or the day you create a legacy gift to benefit your charitable interests for our community – but 10, and 25, and 50 years from now. We promise to be honest and fair, respecting the cherished relationship we share with you.
As an affiliate of The Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette, CFWC operates under an extensive set of written policies and procedures that have earned accreditation from the national Council on Foundations. This “seal of approval” is not to be taken lightly: the standards are rigorous and foundations must reapply every five years. Requirements include operational and technical procedures as well as ethical standards of conduct.
What does this mean for you?
It means that you can trust us to keep your charitable intent and best interests at the heart of everything we do for you and every conversation we have with you – including referring you to another community foundation or organization if we feel you could be served better by that organization.
It means that your privacy will be protected. Information you share with us is held in confidence. If you wish to remain anonymous, just let us know.
It means that CFWC takes Conflict of Interest seriously. All CFWC Governing Council members and staff sign a Conflict of Interest form every year. Our community foundation is committed to serving the greater good for White County; “personal agendas” aren’t part of our agenda.
In short, high ethical standards are the foundation upon which your community foundation serves you and this community – and that will never change.