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Community Foundation of White County

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There’s always something happening at your community foundation – and we’re always delighted to share good news about our wonderful community!

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I Just Want to Help...

Leslie Goss

The success of any community is built on the talents and energy of its members. Like

every other community in the world, White County thrives on the commitment of its citizens.

Community foundations are just like communities. They are built by people who care

about their communities and want to see them grow.

Community foundations are not supported by tax dollars or other subsidies; they are

supported by local citizens who want to make a positive difference.

And that’s you!

Community foundations host a wide assortment of funds to address our donors’ varied

interests and goals. These funds come in different forms: Advised Funds (in which the donor

makes recommendations to the Foundation regarding distribution of funds); Designated Funds (the donor designates the recipient/s of funds when the Fund is established); Agency Funds (to provide annual support for carrying out agencies’ goals and missions); and Field of Interest Funds (in which the donor names general categories of interest that the Fund proceeds will support).

Ok, you say, that’s all well and good – but what if I just want to help the Foundation do

its work?

The answer is our fifth type of fund: our Unrestricted Fund, which is actually the most


Your donation to CFWC, designated to benefit our White County Fund (unrestricted),

supports the Foundation’s ongoing outreach into our community. It is the Fund from which we support our Community Grants and initiatives – so, in fact, everyone can be a grantmaker! We have just announced our Spring 2021 Community Grants cycle and look forward to learning about – and hopefully funding – some great projects happening in White County.

Additionally, several families have established unrestricted endowment funds within our

Community Foundation. These funds have established wonderful and permanent family legacies that add to our capacity for community outreach. The Foundation’s Governing Council is in charge of disbursing funds available from these accounts.

How can you help? Check out your Community Foundation of White County, and then

step forward to help us help White County. Remember: your donation is a gift through the

Foundation to our community.

For information, contact Director Leslie Goss at (574)583-6911. And check out our Facebook page for other activities!

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