Over the past week or so, your Community Foundation of White County has been able to
spread a little cheer by distributing grant certificate plaques to organizations throughout White County that have served and inspired our community in a wide variety of ways. It was a joyful reminder that, despite all the challenges that 2020 has brought, there are many wonderful things happening, made possible by wonderful people who care.
Typically, we would have hosted a grants reception, a delightful way to celebrate good
works, for guests to meet people whom they might not have known and to learn about programs and projects of which they were not aware. Every year, as people leave, we hear many comments of “Wow -- I had no idea this was going on in our community!” and “I never knew much about xyz organization. It was great to learn about their programs.”
A total of 46 award plaques were presented to area nonprofit organizations and schools in support of a wide variety of projects and programs – everything from support of culinary arts programs, to therapeutic equine riding programs, to historic preservation projects, to community needs brought about by COVID-19…and much, much more.
These grant awards were made from: CFWC’s Spring ($20,000), Summer ($19,390), and Fall ($20,680) grant cycles; the Foundation’s “Women Giving Together” Fund ($10,951);
Governing Council Member grants ($9,649); plus $5,000 in the spring to address food insecurity needs in our community.
The awards totaled $85,670 – all made possible by generous, visionary people who make
general gifts to the Community Foundation, entrusting us to address worthy needs and
opportunities that can strengthen and transform our communities. To learn more about this
year’s grants, check out the video on our Facebook page.
In total, your Community Foundation of White County will disburse over $260,000 from its many endowments and funds in 2020.
At this time of year, we think especially of our family and friends and how very blessed
we are to have them in our lives – even if, this year, we can’t hold the traditional gatherings we all cherish.
It’s also a wonderful time of year to pause and think about what a wonderful community
we live in – and we do! Our libraries, schools, churches, nonprofit and volunteer organizations are staffed and assisted by people who truly care…who see beyond themselves…who believe that their efforts can help make a positive difference.
A Christmas season tradition for many people is watching the 1946 classic movie, “It’s a
Wonderful Life.” (If you haven’t ever seen it, put it on your list!) In it, banker George Bailey
learns some precious life lessons from a most unlikely angel named Clarence.
“Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he
leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?”
Clarence’s words ring true in so many ways. Each of us has many opportunities to fill
holes in our community…to extend our hand to benefit others.
Your Community Foundation is more than grateful to the dedicated leaders, volunteers,
educators, and donors who share the best of their time, talent, and treasure to help strengthen and transform our White County community.