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Community Foundation of White County

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National Standards Accreditation: Why It’s Important, and What It Means for You

Leslie Goss

In this fast-paced age of instant gratification, it’s easy to fall into to hastily-made

decisions that seem the most expedient at the time.

For many everyday matters, that’s probably quite alright.

For decisions affecting more long-term goals, however, careful thought and research

certainly are warranted. And sometimes, that process can be enhanced by engaging a partner or partners whose knowledge and commitment to your best interests is at the very core of what they do.

For your charitable interests, your Community Foundation of White County can be such a partner – for lots of reasons, we believe, but let’s talk about accreditation, and what achievement of that standard means for you and your interests.

The Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette, of which the Community Foundation

of White County is an affiliate, is accredited by the Community Foundations National Standards Board. Meeting the National Standards benchmarks is a rigorous, intensive, comprehensive process that assures donors that their community foundation meets the highest standards of philanthropic excellence as it relates to legal and ethical standards for donor stewardship and transparency.

The National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations® program requires community foundations to document their policies for donor services, investments, grantmaking and administration.

Meeting these rigorous standards assures that your trust in our Foundation is well-placed. When you make a bequest, establish a fund, or contribute to an existing fund, we promise to manage your investment wisely, honor your charitable wishes, and be a responsible partner in working for the betterment of our community.

Your endowment within our Foundation will be established with a legally-binding,

individual fund agreement between you and the Foundation. Fifty years from now, that

agreement will continue to guide the Foundation in its use of your funds, assuring that your

original wishes will always be honored and never fall victim to committee whims, the ‘mood of the day,’ or ‘well, we never knew that person or what he/she wanted, so let’s use it for xxx.’

National Standards accreditation says that we value your trust.

National Standards accreditation says that we respect your charitable intent.

National Standards accreditation says that our house is in order: that we have written

policies and procedures in place to manage your gift with accountability, transparency, and


National Standards accreditation says that we are committed to philanthropic excellence.

For more information about the Community Foundation of White County, call Leslie Goss at 574-583-6911.

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