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Community Foundation of White County

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There’s always something happening at your community foundation – and we’re always delighted to share good news about our wonderful community!

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  • Writer's pictureLucy Dold

Our Hall of Fame

We have a Hall of Fame here at the Community Foundation of White County. A place where we honor individuals with outstanding discernment. Visionaries who look beyond the here and now to the then and there. Futurists. Donors who are perceptive enough to see that we begin meeting tomorrow’s needs today by making deferred gifts and endowment fund contributions.

We call our Hall of Fame, “The Community Foundation of White County’s Legacy Society.” Our heroes include those who have named CFWC in their wills. They have designated a potion of their estate to be used for endowment or for an unrestricted purpose.

Honorees also include those who have obtained a charitable gift annuity with CFWC or who have placed assets in our pooled funds. These philanthropy Hall of Famers have released assets now to CFWC while maintaining an income stream for as long as they live.

Members of our Legacy Society include donors who have placed major assets in a charitable remainder trust, not only to meet personal income needs during life, but to benefit CFWC in the years ahead. They, too, deserve a standing ovation.

We likewise applaud our friends who have made outright gifts to our endowment program. These discerning donors reveal a winning attitude as they invest in the future of White County.

It’s not the amount you give that earns you a place in our Legacy Society. Rather, it’s the excellence of your insight—seeing tomorrow’s needs today.

We would like to induct you into our planned giving Hall of Fame. We want to honor you and introduce you to other champions who have made a deferred gift to your Community Foundation of White County.

As we approach our upcoming 25th anniversary, we hope that we can celebrate 25 community champions in our Hall of Fame. Help us reach 25 Legacy Society Members by our 25th by reaching out to Director, Lucy Dold at (574) 583-6911.

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