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Community Foundation of White County

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There’s always something happening at your community foundation – and we’re always delighted to share good news about our wonderful community!

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Leslie Goss

Valuing and Celebrating Small-Town Living

As this summer wanes and we look toward fall, we look back on a summer that was very

different than others we have lived. Typically, summer is filled with family reunions, cookouts and pool parties with friends, and a whole host of festivals to celebrate the best of small-town living.

Though we’ve not been able to enjoy our usual festivals, it seems that COVID-induced

adjustments have, in many ways, brought about a renewed awareness of family and community.

Without being able to travel as much as usual, people are even more aware of their own

communities’ resources and amenities and are finding new ways to connect to them.

Your Community Foundation of White County does the same thing! Though hosting

festivals isn’t in our wheelhouse, our community grants cycles seek to celebrate and support our communities’ strengths and to build upon them.

Last year, CFWC awarded a total of $40,000 to our cities and towns to support some

exciting projects.

Brookston made improvements to the building behind the pocket park created on the

former Juanita Waugh property.

Buffalo made improvements to its wonderful community park and is adding a well to

provide water at the park.

Burnettsville replaced the sidewalk in front of its Community Building.

Chalmers is working on development of a splash pad for the community.

Monon is continuing progress on its splash pad and creating ADA-compliant access to

that family recreation site.

In Monticello, a new climbing wall at the Monticello City Pool will create another

recreational activity for its visitors, and the Monticello Riverwalk project is coming to fruition!

Community festivals celebrate the past and look to the future, and we all look forward to

the day when those celebrations can return. Meanwhile, your Community Foundation of White County, supported by gifts – large and small – from individuals just like you, continues to serve our community through its grants programs and work with donors, professional advisors, and other service organizations. When you donate to the Community Foundation, you help build a better tomorrow in our community.

For more information about your Community Foundation, contact Director Leslie Goss at 574-583-6911.

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