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Community Foundation of White County

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There’s always something happening at your community foundation – and we’re always delighted to share good news about our wonderful community!

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Leslie Goss

We Want to Hear What You Think!

Community foundations are about community – YOUR community – and we want to

hear what you’re thinking about this place we call Home.

The week of September 20, your Community Foundation of White County is hosting a

series of Community Conversations facilitated by Frank and Kimberlee Spillers of Rural

CommUnity Solutions, based in Iowa. Partially supported by a Leadership grant from Lilly

Endowment Inc., and following the successful experiences of several other Indiana community foundations, CFWC is excited and honored to bring this passionate and professional team of community advocates to White County.

What do you like best about life in White County? What makes this a place in which

you want to live and work and raise a family? What would make it better?

What are some of the missing pieces or weaknesses? Are there gaps we could fill? Do we have assets we’re not using that could build a stronger future?

As Frank noted for our Annual Report to the Community attendees a couple of weeks

ago, “Decisions that were put in place – consciously or unconsciously – 25 years ago are the

ones that created the life being experienced in White County today.

“So the question becomes, ‘How do you want White County to look in 25 years, and

what can all of us do to make that happen?’”

We want to hear from YOU! These Conversations are for everyone – the stay-at-home

mom with three young children, the senior citizen who has witnessed the good, bad and ugly

over decades, the day laborer as well as office worker, and students who can help us envision

their futures. These Conversations will only be as comprehensive and valuable as the variety of voices within them, so please consider joining one of these gatherings!

Conversations are scheduled in Brookston, Monon, Wolcott and Monticello. Individual

and small group sessions will be held during the day, with evening sessions open to 25-40

people. Every effort will be made to respect health and safety protocols. Share the news with

your friends!

Information from these conversations will be compiled, summarized, analyzed, and fed

back to CFWC. We, in turn, will pass that -- together with a wide-ranging Chart Book of White County statistics already commissioned and provided by e2 (Entrepreneurial Ecosystems out of Nebraska) – along to area governmental units, nonprofits, educational leaders, businesses, and anyone else who is interested in a uniquely comprehensive view of our White County community.

To reserve your spot or to ask any questions, contact Leslie or Lucy at the Community

Foundation of White County – 574-583-6911. We look forward to hearing from you!

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