Oh my, is this a question you seem to hear frequently? (Is it one you’ve even used
yourself upon occasion?) Sadly, it seems to be a mantra for many in our society.
Thankfully, there are many other people whose thoughts are centered on the bigger
picture. They know that the world does not revolve around only them, that their concerns are
only a minute speck in the grand scheme of things, and that ‘what’s in it for them’ is of little
Speaking about her husband, a woman I know once commented, “It’s the volunteers in
this world who really get the important things done. When we think of so many creative efforts that have been accomplished in our community, it’s volunteers who have led the way.” It was probably twenty years ago when she shared those thoughts, but they have never left me. Truly, her husband was never one to think of what he stood to gain; he only wanted to make the good even better for more people. He was the first to lend a hand, to provide the energy to get other people inspired, and to develop something special to benefit the community.
Such it is with community foundations around the country.
Think with me for a moment. You probably don’t know Bill or Melinda Gates, and
neither do I; but I am awestruck and humbled by their commitment to impact communities and programs through their foundation. Admittedly, their resources are beyond my wildest
imagination, but the important part of this equation is that they think way beyond themselves. They choose to create opportunities for others, and in that regard, they are no different than any of us can be.
Community foundations provide a framework and mechanism for creating opportunities. Your Community Foundation of White County isn’t quite up to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation level (!), but generous, forward-thinking donors and agencies have created over 100 permanent endowments within it, and last year, over $278,000 in grants flowed into our community from those investments. Admittedly, there can be financial advantages to establishing an endowment; but these funds haven’t been established by folks who think first about “what’s in it for me?”
If you want to understand more of what your community foundation is all about, call the
office (574-583-6911) to request a copy of our 2019 Annual Report, which will be available very shortly. Inspiration abounds!
Your Community Foundation of White County….what’s in it for you? Maybe more than
you know!