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Community Foundation of White County

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There’s always something happening at your community foundation – and we’re always delighted to share good news about our wonderful community!

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You're Invited, Ladies!

Leslie Goss

Every woman who believes that she, together with other women who care, can make a

positive difference in the lives of women and children in our community is invited to the

Community Foundation of White County’s 14th annual Women Giving Together Fund

fundraising luncheon on Friday, September 10th at the Brandywine Convention Center.

This year’s luncheon will celebrate and feature the Fund’s grant recipients from both

2019 and 2020. The pandemic cancelled last year’s celebration luncheon, so we have lots of

good news to share! Additionally, we will pay special tribute to our friend Katie Wolf, who died last year. Katie was a founding contributor of the Women Giving Together Fund, a dedicated servant of White County and our entire state, and a tireless advocate for women and children. Katie’s legacy carries on through the many lives she touched during her outstanding life.

A total of $14,995 was awarded to eleven different organizations in 2019 and $10,951 to

five different organizations in 2020. Later this fall, grants from CFWC’s Women Giving

Together Fund will again be awarded, with a total of ~$14,500 available.

Grants over the past two years have supported projects in the arts, education, health,

community beautification, family support programs, and more.

Since inception, the Women Giving Together Fund has supported over $120,000 in

programs and projects that help strengthen and positively transform the lives of women and

families in our White County community.

CFWC’s Women Giving Together Fund has become a very meaningful “giving circle” in

our White County community. Donations to benefit the WGT Fund are pooled together for

maximum impact; thus, every woman’s donation to the Fund becomes part of a larger whole,

capable of greater things. Half of each donation is endowed in a permanent fund which will

continue to grow; earnings from the endowed portion of the fund will be available for charitable uses in the community far into the future. The other half of each donation is made available for grants the following year.

Anyone may donate to the Women Giving Together Fund. Every gift, of whatever

amount meaningful to its donor, becomes part of this exciting foundation in our community. The combined gifts determine the amount available for grants each year. Last year, 85 women donated a total of $14,750 to the Fund; just think of what could happen if 250 (or 500!) women pooled their passion and resources to benefit our community!

If you would like to donate to CFWC’s Women Giving Together Fund, please write your

check to the Community Foundation of White County, noting WGT in the memo line. If you

would like to attend our luncheon on September 10, please contact Leslie or Lucy at the

Community Foundation, 574-583-6911. Lunch cost is $28.00 and reservations must be in by

Friday, August 27.

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