Most people think of donating cash or volunteering their time when they think of supporting their favorite charitable organization. Our farmers have a unique opportunity to support the communities they love. After all, our farmers are skilled at preparing, planting, nurturing, and growing, just like your Community Foundation of White County. We invite our farmers to help build the future of our community with us.
How can farmers help?
1. Deliver grain to elevator.
2. Ask the elevator to transfer xxx number of bushels to the Community Foundation of White County.
3. The Foundation authorizes the sale of the grain and receives the proceeds.
4. The Foundation provides an acknowledgment as evidence of the number of bushels transferred.
5. The value of the contributed grain is avoided income and taxable income is reduced.
The value of the grain can be used to start an endowed fund in the name of your family, for a specific nonprofit organization important to you, or to address charitable causes in your community.
Through this gift of grain, your legacy will live on to reach the people of White County forever, benefiting for generations to come.
Just as community foundations plan for tomorrow’s harvest, our farmers are working diligently this spring to bring a bountiful harvest in the fall. Together, we are continuously working for a bountiful and nourishing tomorrow.
Join our mission of strengthening and transforming White County by establishing your own fund or contributing to one of the 100+ funds already established. In addition to gifts of grain, we offer many paths toward achieving your charitable dreams: we can accept cash, checks, stock, life insurance, real estate, and mutual funds.
If you want to make a lasting impact in your community through the community foundation, reach out to director, Lucy Dold at 574-583-6911 or to make an appointment.