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Community Foundation of White County

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There’s always something happening at your community foundation – and we’re always delighted to share good news about our wonderful community!

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Writer's pictureLucy Dold

New Year

When one chapter closes, another one always opens. But before we speed ahead toward our next adventure, it’s important to reflect. At your Community Foundation of White County, we look back on the year with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the hundreds of community-minded individuals and partners that make our work possible.

Thanks to generous donors like you, over $356,000 was distributed this year to strengthen and transform White County: grants to support our nonprofit partners that are those boots-on-the-ground organizations reaching the community; scholarships that empower our youth as they launch into a new chapter of their own; support for leadership initiatives such as the community conversations we held this past spring with Rural Community Solutions, giving our residents a platform to share their voice.

Thanks to you, over 2,000 pounds of donated meat were distributed to our local food pantries. Thanks to you, young victims of sexual abuse will have access to mental health care. Thanks to you, local mothers will have a mobile OBGYN health specialist available to walk beside them during pregnancy.

Every dollar granted, every partnership strengthened, and every challenge faced was made possible because of you. Without our donors big and small, we simply could not make this kind of impact in the community. Thank you!

2022 was an incredible year here at the Foundation. But what’s next? What promises can we make today that will strengthen tomorrow?

2023 will bring even more reason to celebrate since it will be our 25th anniversary. We are excited to celebrate your good works and support all these years by awarding a proactive grant into the community next May. Be a part of the celebration by donating toward our 25 By 25 Challenge, where every donation up to $25,000 will be matched 1:1—double the impact!

At the start of the new year, we will also launch a new youth philanthropy council. High school students across the county will work with philanthropic leaders to learn about the transformational power of giving and then be charged with awarding grants to support their own school systems. An exciting new venture for us, for certain!

While new ideas and visions will be shared and catalyzed this upcoming year, our mission remains the same: to strengthen and transform White County by fostering philanthropic aspirations, charitable giving, and leadership. Together, we will do great things in 2023!

To learn more about the Community Foundation of White County and how we can work together to strengthen our community, reach out to Director, Lucy Dold at (574) 583-6911 or log onto

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