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Community Foundation of White County

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There’s always something happening at your community foundation – and we’re always delighted to share good news about our wonderful community!

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Writer's pictureLucy Dold

Spring has Sprung!

“Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s Party!’”- Robin Williams

As we launch into a new season, it’s hard to ignore the liveliness that comes with the brisk warmth and green growth poking from the ground below. After months of hibernation, we are eager to emerge from the cold darkness of winter and dive into new adventures.

At your Community Foundation of White County, we are proud to support initiatives that enhance the quality of life for folks all around the county, particularly those ready to step beyond the comfort of their homes and explore mother earth around them. When seeking opportunities to connect with your family, we’ve intentionally supported projects that nurture this way of life. Because we know that family comes first.

Throughout all corners of the county, you can find opportunities to play, learn, and grow together.

Last fall, a Community Cares grant was awarded to support the Monon Parks Department in response to a community survey that sought to learn what Monon’s citizens desire for their parks. Outside of the typical swing set and monkey bars, this new installation will be a multi-functioning outdoor exercise station.

Other park initiatives that we have proudly supported include the splash pads you can find in Monon and Chalmers—endless fun for children and adults on those hot summer days, wheelchair-accessible entrances at Altherr Nature Park and Bluewater Beach, funding for a new park master plan in Reynolds, plus so much more.

Even in the schools, there are opportunities for children to explore the outdoors and build a deeper appreciation of the world around them. A 2022 Women Giving Together grant supported Sycamore Audubon’s Society’s Nature Club that is offered to young students in the fall and springtime. Local conservationists work with elementary students to develop new skills, learn about conservation and wildlife, and just simply have a blast getting their hands a little dirty.

Churches, too, lead initiatives to create outdoor community spaces for families. The Chalmers Community Church received a Community Cares grant in 2021 to support a playground renovation. The renovation itself was a community-wide effort, bringing in volunteers from throughout the county to work together to improve this space. Now, the church holds community picnics to bring families together, complete with popsicles, a meal, and even a belly flop contest!

Take advantage of this new season and explore the many opportunities throughout the county to breathe in the fresh springtime air and connect with family and friends. You don’t have to travel far to find family fun in White County.

To learn more about how the Community Foundation is working to strengthen and transform White County, reach out to director, Lucy Dold at (574) 583-6911, or visit us online at

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