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Community Foundation of White County

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There’s always something happening at your community foundation – and we’re always delighted to share good news about our wonderful community!

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Thankful for YOU!

Leslie Goss

Thanksgiving is here, a time when we pause to give thanks for our many blessings –

family and friends, the precious gift of freedom, the ability to share our time and talents, and our caring community.

So many of our opportunities have been afforded by those who preceded us; yet, sadly, in the rush of our daily lives, we too often forget to live with “an attitude of gratitude.” Yes, 2021 has continued some of 2020’s challenges, but we still have so very much for which to be


Some of the most positive offerings of our community have not happened simply by

coincidence; they have been carefully designed and shared by people who believe in and care about our community. Those people express their gratitude by sharing their best with others.

They have vision. They share hope. They believe in the potential of tomorrow.

Your Community Foundation of White County is built upon those same qualities and is

honored to help thoughtful, generous people put their charitable passions to work in meaningful ways.

Our Foundation – your Foundation – seeks “to strengthen and transform White County

by fostering charitable giving, philanthropic aspirations, and leadership,” making our community a better place in which to live, both today and tomorrow. We are thankful to be part of a caring community – one where people take care of each other, share the hope of better things to come, and work together to create increased opportunities for growth and learning.

The endowment funds within our Foundation have been established by people firmly

committed to continued growth of our community. Because the funds are permanently endowed, only a portion of earnings are used in annual disbursements. What that means is that our donors’ wishes – the expression of their gratitude – will continue through this generation, the next and the next.

This year, thanks to generous donors who have made unrestricted donations to the

Foundation, we have awarded $72,257 over three grant cycles plus an additional $11,000 in

special grants from Governing Council members. The Women Giving Together Fund awarded $14,172 in grants this year.

In fact, in total this year, CFWC will award just under $300,000 in grants from the

various funds we administer on behalf of our donors.

Your Community Foundation of White County is grateful for your commitment to our

community through your gifts to the Foundation. You are the ones who make these grants

possible. Together, we are making a very positive difference in our community!

In this season of Thanksgiving, let us remember to give thanks for our many blessings.

Let’s adopt an Attitude of Gratitude – and then let that gratitude inspire us to strengthen our

community by giving the best of our time, talent and treasure.

For more information about your Community Foundation, contact Director Leslie Goss at 574-583-6911. Donations may be mailed to CFWC, PO Box 1154, Monticello, IN 47960.

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